“Shine Through” with Website Copywriter Emily Conley

Today we are excited to feature sales and website copywriter & SOWBO VIP Member Emily Conley!

Emily is the founder of Emily Writes Well, focusing on writing clear, compelling copy to help people attract clients and make sales. She also offers one-on-one project days, workshops, and a whole library of templates, resources, and courses. She ensures her clients can turn their unique personalities and all the great ideas spinning in their head into amazing copy!

Let’s get to know Emily and her work. (And keep an eye out for Emily’s gift to you at the end of the article!)

Website Copywriter Emily Conley

What is the specialty that you offer?

I write clear, compelling copy for passionate business owners who want to stand out in their crowded industry and attract their dream clients. I specialize in personality-driven website copy, emails, and sales pages that sound like the best version of my clients.

What is your “why” for being a sales and website copywriter?

Our words are one of the most powerful tools we possess. I’m on a mission to empower more women to embrace their unique voice and use their words to increase their impact and live out the life they’ve dreamed of. I believe that more money and power in women’s hands is the key to improving our world and creating change for good.

Who is your ideal client?

I serve women who are passionate about their own mission and ready to truly stand out and show off their skills.

What makes you different from other sales and website copywriters?

My ability to capture each client’s brand voice is unrivaled. I start every project with an in-depth, in-person interview and make sure the nuances of who you are shine through in every word.

Tell us something fun, quirky, or weird that you’d like our readers to know about you?

I have the world’s weirdest pencil grip. (It’s also how I hold eating utensils.) My teachers always tried to correct it, but I would stubbornly slide off the tri-grips they snuck onto my pencils. I never learned how to correctly hold a pencil, however, I do have impeccable handwriting.

What do you do for fun outside of running your business?

Travel! If I’m not on a trip I’m planning one… or four. I also love to read (I have a master’s degree in Literature), go to the pool, and do basically anything outdoors except for camping.

Who inspires you?

My sister – She lives with a super rare, incurable form of cancer, but she hasn’t let it slow her down over the past 18 years. She approaches life with an energy and passion that inspires me daily.

Is there one person or thing that you attribute your success to?

Is it cliche to say my husband? He’s a huge reason my business exists. He believed in my success and potential even when I didn’t, and he shouldered the financial security of our family while I figured out what I was doing and grew my business without ever making me feel guilty or pressuring me to make more money. He has celebrated every win and supported me through every failure, and he’s now a terrific CFO who keeps my books organized and my business on track to grow every year.

What advice do you have for those on their entrepreneur journey?

Give yourself the gift of time. It often takes so much longer than you think it should to reach milestones like booking your first client, launching your first website, or hitting your first $5k month. The time will pass whether you’re working toward your goals or not… so don’t stress about how long it’s taking. Your timeline is unique to you. Slow progress is still progress!

What book or podcast do you think every business owner should consume? Why is this important to you?

Elizabeth McCravy’s Breakthrough Brand Podcast is such a great resource, especially for newer business owners. She’s had wild success in her business but has stayed remarkably grounded and open to sharing where many people in her position would be closed off. Her episodes offer heaps of business advice and education as well as plenty of personal empowerment and encouragement. This was the only podcast I listened to while building the courage (and know how) to open my own business!

What is one thing you love about SOWBO?

Having a community of women I can come to with my struggles AND my wins, confident I will be met with compassion, support, and empathy, is priceless. It’s rare to find a group of ambitious, successful women who are also vulnerable, generous, and unapologetically real.

Thanks to Emily Conley for sharing about her business! We love that each client, each person has a unique voice that can be captured and shared! You can get to know Emily and her work even better by visiting emilywriteswell.com. And, Emily has a terrific gift for you . . . 3 Essential Copywriting Skills, a 30-minute training and practice guide. 

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