“Thrive” with Remy Gifford, Caregiver Placement Expert

Today we are excited to feature Remy Gifford, founder of Bluff City Nanny Agency and SOWBO member!

Bluff City Nanny Agency is a nationwide caregiver placement service specializing in  Nannies, Newborn Care Specialists, and Family Assistants. Remy and her team understand and value the importance of time with family and creating a stress-free childcare experience. They take pride in their efforts to meet these needs for their clients.

Let’s get to know more about Remy and her work. 

What is your “why” for offering caregiver placement services?

I am a semi-retired nanny and newborn care specialist. I watched many busy parents struggle to find reliable and trustworthy private childcare. And, visa-versa for the caregivers finding the family that was a true match for them. I want families and caregivers to succeed and thrive in the positions they are in because the children truly benefit when this match is harmonious.

Who is your ideal caregiver placement customer?

Many of our families are dual working households, single parents, one parent working outside the home while the other needs support on the home front. Our favorite client is parent(s) navigating finding stable childcare solutions. Whether that be the soon to be parents who need guidance and support from an expert Newborn Care Specialist, the parent that needs a loving and safe extra set of hands, or the parent that is in need of a family assistant to help with caring for the kids and keeping up with many of the ongoing household tasks that are often saved for the weekend. We help parents get back their time with their families! 

What makes you different from other caregiver placement services?

In our agency we bring a combined total of professional nanny experience of over 28 years. We strive to offer a personalized one-on-one approach with each caregiver and family. 

Tell us something fun, quirky, or weird that you’d like our readers to know about you?

Something quirky? I mix and match phrases that we now dub remy-isms in my family!

What do you do for fun outside of running your business?

I can either be found hiking with my fiance and our dog in a backpack or trying out new restaurants.

Who inspires you?

All of the women in the agency groups, tbh.

What is your big scary dream?

To speak in front of a large audience.

Is there one person or thing that you attribute your success to?

My mom. She raised me as a single mom, showing me grit while always being kind hearted. She always showed me that everyone you meet is someone special that deserves love and respect. 

What is next for you and the business? or Is there anything you’re looking forward to in your near future?

I am currently in the process of adding corporate care. 

Corporate Care: employers will offer their employees a benefit of childcare options. This helps to offset the cost and reduce absence.

What advice do you have for those on their entrepreneur journey?

When you think there is no light at the end of the tunnel, just know there is! Also, don’t let perfect be the enemy of good enough. My favorite word in business & life is PIVOT! 

What book or podcast do you think every business owner should consume? Why is this important to you?

I love “Entrepreneurs on Fire.” You get to hear from so many different walks of life that are all in business—great topics and different from the norms.

What is one thing you love about SOWBO and/or being a member of our community?

I am still finding my groove within the community! But, so far, everyone seems extremely supportive.

A sincere thank you to Remy Gifford for sharing about herself and business! We love how she helps both the caregivers and the families to find the best fit. Get to know Remy and her work even better by visiting Bluff City Nanny Agency

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