“Be Seen and Heard” with Amanda Spence of The Holistic Collective

Today we are excited to feature SOWBO Member and founder of The Holistic Collective, Amanda Spence!

A massage therapist, Amanda started the Holistic Collective to connect people with wellness and holistic care practitioners in Tennessee in the hopes that this will lead to customized healing to help reclaim energy, balance, and wellbeing.

The Holistic Collective features practitioners of massage therapy, breath work, ayurveda, acupuncture, body work, yoga, Reiki, chiropractic care, naturopathy, and more!

Let’s get to know Amanda and her work. 

What is the specialty that you offer?

I help people seeking whole health achieve their goals by connecting them with holistic providers & products. I offer education to the public and community for the holistic field.

What is your “why” for connecting people with wellness and holistic care practitioners?

I have been a massage therapist for nine years. Throughout this time my clients have requested help finding complimentary services (acupuncture, lymph drainage, etc.). I found it’s hard to find what they are looking for at times. Often, when I found providers, they explained they have a hard time keeping their books filled with clients. There was a disconnect. 

By creating the directory I am bridging a gap between providers and people seeking their services. It fulfills me to bring these like-minded people together and encourage others to live a healthier, happier life.

Who is your ideal client for wellness and holistic care?

I love helping people who are tired of not getting answers, people who are driven to make changes in their lives and their loved one’s lives, and people who want to find the root cause of their issues so they can start healing instead of masking with medications. 

I also love helping holistic business owners be seen and heard.

What makes you different from the competition?

The Holistic Collective is a local directory that serves Tennessee. We love SOWBO, as we built this directory with the help of many women in the community. THC is committed to delivering the most value possible to our members. We offer networking events and reels parties to help grow your following. And, we are in the process of growing a podcast and workshops that allow our providers to share their services with the public. We have photoshoot parties for our providers to get headshots and action shots. There are so many fun things in the works to grow the holistic community in Tennessee through our directory.

Tell us something fun, quirky, or weird that you’d like our readers to know about you?

A little fun fact about me… I love to pole dance! Never have I ever danced in a club. I guess I could better describe it as pole fitness. I poled for about three years and was never stronger in my entire life. That’s when I learned that calisthenics isn’t easy, but totally worth it.

What do you do for fun outside of running your business?

Outside of the directory I love spending time with my family. I also love making resin jewelry and wall art. I have also taken up daily walks through my neighborhood and nearby parks. It helps to ground and give me peace.

Who inspires you?

I have so many people I draw inspiration from. My mom, my sister, my aunt. My husband and my boys are my greatest inspiration though. Everything I do is for them.

What advice do you have for those on their entrepreneur journey?

Find a way to get through the hard, because on the other side of the downs are the ups.

What book or podcast do you think every business owner should consume? Why is this important to you?

There isn’t a book or a podcast I think every business owner should consume, because what works for some doesn’t work for others. I do love to listen to Badass Manifester Podcast because I love the energy and the information. Ashley Gordon explains how to make magic happen in your life.

What is one thing you love about SOWBO and/or being a member of our community?

I began SOWBO a couple years ago not knowing what direction to go in. I was a massage therapist, but knew I wanted more. It’s hard on the body and if I added more clients I wouldn’t be able to last very long in this career. Massage led me to figure out that I wanted to build this directory, and Amanda helped me figure out how to go about it. Between Amanda and other women in SOWBO, I was able to start The Holistic Collective and grow it into something beautiful! I love the guidance and support here.

Thanks to Amanda Spence for sharing about her business. We love her passion for connecting people with the information and healing they need! You can get to know Amanda and her work even better at The Holistic Collective.

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