Lead Magnets that Convert with Monica Snyder

SOWBO’s membership gathered this month for a training session with Monica Snyder entitled “Lead Magnets that Covert.” The purpose of this session was to help SOWBO’s entrepreneurs and small business owners build lead magnets that strengthen relationships and generate revenue.

Monica Snyder is the founder of Birdsong.co with a proven track record of growing businesses from 6-figure revenues to 7-figures using her unique combination of marketing strategy and systems design. You can also find her at @monicabirdsong.

Monica kicked off her session with this encouragement: whether you have a lead magnet in place now or not, this is a topic everyone can benefit from learning more about. 

Convert from Your Lead Magnet with the S.E.R.V.E.S. Framework

Using her background as a software developer, Monica developed the S.E.R.V.E.S Framework to systemize marketing. Her six game-changing components ensure the perfect, high-converting lead magnet and drive sales with the perfect content structure for any type of lead magnet. Your lead magnet should . . . 

#1 Solve One Struggle with your free offer.

#2 Be Easily Consumed so your lead gets a quick win.

#3 Build a Relationship Ramp so you become their trusted advisor.

#4 Be Visually Compelling so you can create visual velocity.

#5 Explain a New Problem so you can offer solutions.

#6 Suggest Next Steps so you can move them to a paid product or service you offer.

Let’s dive deeper on a few of these components.

Solve One Struggle

First, brainstorm a big list of all the struggles and worries your ideal customer has now that your paid product or services solves. Next, break these down into small, more specific issues.

Then, keeping it very simple, how would you solve this problem? Once you have this simple solution, ask yourself these questions to discover if this is a good topic for a lead magnet:

  • Does your paid product solve the problem? It needs to!
  • Is the problem impact enough to seek help? You are looking to solve extreme to severe issues.
  • Does the problem have a tangible result? You need to sell tangible.

Easy to Consume

While there are 30+ kinds, your lead magnet needs to be easy for you to create and easy for your ideal client to do.  (Think: audit, cheat sheet, checklist, coupons, planner, resource list, etc.)

The content of a lead magnet has 4 parts: cover page, welcome (with your picture or logo), core content, and a “What’s Next?” that links to your product or service, creating that ramp to a relationship between you and the potential client.

Visually Compelling

Your lead magnet needs to be visually compelling to quickly convey your big idea/concept. Do this with three elements: clear imagery, few words, and tangible results. If you aren’t sure, you can do a google search to find what images and icons people associate with your key words and ideas.

5 Easy-for-You, Easy-for-Them Lead Magnets

A Checklist is a quick reference that helps save times. They fall into three types: a process (must be followed in order), to do (no specific order), green light (a list of questions that you answer “yes” or “no”). You can decide how detailed to make it. Make sure to leave space for people to add their own!

A Coupon gives a discount to buy a product or service from you.

A Planner lays out a schedule or makes a plan. Then, your paid product will help with the plan.

Use the research you have done to create a helpful Resource List that provides a list of links or shortcuts.

Templates, made in Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Canva, are easy-to-use docs or forms that do not have to be recreated each time. Make it easy to use and add any descriptions or explanations directly in the template.

Final Steps for Your Lead Magnet

First, congratulate them on taking the first steps. Then, use the small struggle to explain a new problem. Finally, you can suggest the next steps to solving the problem and give them a link to the solution, which is your paid product or service. 

An effective lead magnet is essential to your overall machine—get one!

Want More?

We so appreciate Monica Snyder sharing her expertise on lead magnets with us!

As the SOWBO team can attest, her course, Automated Audience, is amazing! We encourage you to sign up HERE and learn about a cost-effective & hands-off system that will put your email list-building on autopilot!

And, if you want more of this kind of insight and information, become a SOWBO member. You will have access to all our upcoming member-exclusive training sessions.

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